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Digital Heritage Seminar: Network Analysis and Archaeological Objects
Online eventHistorical Network Series Fall 2021
KBR invites you to attend a scholarly series on digital cultural heritage, the KBR-ULB-UGent Digital Heritage Seminar.
In this series from October to December 2021 we will virtually host three academic scholars in presenting their work on cultural heritage and historical networks. Network research serves to enhance our understanding of the human past, by retracing the social, political, or cultural networks from historical materials. We show in this series how these findings and approaches to networks, through a variety of topics, periods and methods, give us unique insights in the past and the materials we use in our work.
These talks will be held, via Microsoft Teams, in English, with questions in French, Dutch or English. The target audience is scholars, but the general public is warmly welcome.
This series is co-organised by KBR’s Digital Research Lab, in cooperation with Université libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Ghent University.
8 November 2021
- Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, UNamur & UCLouvain
Network Analysis and Archaeological Objects: First Approaches to the Medieval Monetary Corpus from the Former Low Countries
Since the beginning of the 19th century, monetary finds and treasures have been regularly recorded and published in academic journals. Those relating to the princes of the former Low Countries gave rise, in 2012, to the publication of an exhaustive inventory (Aimé Haeck, Middeleeuwse munten van de vroegere Belgische vorstendommen en heerlijkheden in vondsten, 751-1433). The aim of this paper is to present the first results —which will have to be critically examined— of the application of SNA methods to the monetary corpus of the medieval ‘Belgian’ princes. Even though they have not been much used in the framework of a SNA approach, numismatic sources lend themselves easily to this type of analysis because of the numerous pieces of information they convey (about their production, their place of discovery, the princes under whose authority the coins were minted, etc.). The presentation will focus mainly on questions of monetary circulation, attempting to determine which coins or types of money circulate together and on what scale.
Duration: 1,5 hours
Registration is free but mandatory. The morning of the event you will be sent the link to the virtual series and the etiquette to follow.
Register here
Should have any further questions please email whyvr.ovexubym@xoe.or.