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New ways to open the resources of archives and libraries
The expectations of archive and library users have significantly changed since the digital revolution. User groups change, expand, and diversify as online access to digital resources increases. Among the major developments are the googlisation of research and the demand for extensive and transparent access to digital content, supported by the open data initiative and the European PSI directive on reuse of public sector information.
How do archives and libraries tackle these expectations? How do they manage between all the constraints and opportunities? Which new ways do they explore to enhance user experience and facilitate access to the contents of their collections?
Some libraries and archives launch ingenious projects in fields as diverse as the development of Linked (Open) Data (LOD) or the organisation of hackathons, creating partnerships to pool innovative skills. Collection catalogues and archive inventories are called up to change. Handwritten text recognition progresses rapidly and makes the contents of documents that only a specialized audience could read now accessible to all.
These are the main topics on which more light will be shed during the colloquium. A kaleidoscope of approaches and experiences will be presented though all will place the user at the heart of their analysis.
9:00 – 9:25 Greeting
9:25 – 9:30 Rolande Depoortere (State Archives of Belgium and ABB) : Welcome + introduction
9:30 – 9:55 Janna Leguijt (Hogeschool Amsterdam): Onderzoekers en archieven in een digitale omgeving: kan de kloof worden overbrugd?
9:55 – 10:20 Rosemie Callewaert (independent digital architect, innovation consultant, data- & information architect, usability expert): Digitale gebruikerservaring als startpunt: the Design factor
10:20 – 10:45 Florence Clavaud (International Council on Archives/Expert Group on Archival Description): Renewing the archives description to enhance the digital user experience: RDF, Ontologies and Records in Contexts
10:45 – 10:55 Questions
10:55 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 11:40 Andy Stauder (READ COOP SCE): Handwritten Text Recognition: the Perfect Access to Manuscript Content?
11:40 – 12:05 Coen Wilders (Library of Utrecht University): Een bibliotheek zonder eigen cataloog: hoe kan dat?
12:05 – 12:30 Jean-Charles Bedague (Service interministériel des Archives de France): L’open data dans les archives favorise-t-il l’accès au contenu des collections ? Un bilan français
12:30 – 12:40 Questions
12:40 – 13:45 Break
13:45 – 14:10 Pauline Berni and Gaëtano Piraino (Archives nationales de France): Nouvelles formes de crowdsourcing : l’organisation d’un hackathon dans une institution culturelle de conservation patrimoniale
14:10 – 14:35 Anne Chardonnens (Université Libre de Bruxelles): Linked (open) data et data mining dans les bibliothèques et les archives: expériences, limites et potentiel
14:35 – 15:00 Sally Chambers (Ghent University Centre for Digital Humanities ), Sophie Vandepontseele (KBR- National Library of Belgium), Christophe Verbruggen (Ghent University Centre for Digital Humanities): The KBR Digital Research Lab: towards data-level access to KBR collections for research ?
15:00 – 15:15 Questions
15:15 – 15:25 Rolande Depoortere (State Archives of Belgium and ABB): Conclusions
No simultaneous translation.
Free entry. It is not necessary to register.