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OPERAS Conference “Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality”

From 02 November 2020
to 04 November 2020

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Start: 02 November 2020 - 08:30
End: 04 November 2020 - 15:00





Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality

Open Science is gaining momentum in Europe with the creation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The OPERAS conference aims at being a discussion hub in which different players such as researchers, decision makers, publishers and librarians e.g. can share and compare their take on the current scholarly communication system and their vision for a sustainable future.

OPERAS, the EOSC Secretariat and KBR co-organise the workshop ‘EOSC Co-Creation’ on 2 November 2020.

OPERAS 2020 conference website




EOSC Co-Creation: Anticipating the future of research in the social sciences and humanities

2 November, 14:00-16:00 (CET, UTC+01:00)

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative aims at supporting more than 1.7 million researchers and fostering interdisciplinary research in Europe. To better understand what the research community needs, the EOSC Secretariat is organizing workshops, interviews and consultations.

The objective of this event co-organized by OPERAS, the EOSC Secretariat, and KBR is to inquire not only about social sciences and humanities (SSH) researchers’ actual needs with respect to research infrastructures, services and policies, but also about their visions and future needs.

The participants will be proposed a list of related topics to discuss further, including, but not limited to, the following: How to be able to trust the data reused? How to address translations issues (between humans, disciplines, sectors, etc.)? Which provisions would facilitate both data reuse and personal data protection? Does the digital environment modify SSH disciplines and data types so as to require new kinds of services? From digitization to research data management, which digital skills will be necessary in the future SSH research?

As an introduction to these innovative prospects, the workshop will first introduce the European research landscape in the SSH, through presentations of OPERAS, the EOSC Secretary and the SSHOC project. Practical implementations will then be described: The Cultural heritage charter and KBR services related to TDM and SSH data management. The attendees will be invited to contribute to the discussion in four breakout sessions.

  • Moderators: Sally Chambers, Laure Bardot, Andreas Rauber, Arnaud Gingold, Francesca Di Donato
  • Speaker: Julie Birkholz, Sally Chambers, Laure Bardot, Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, Andreas Rauber, Arnaud Gingold



OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research Area. Its mission is to coordinate and federate resources in Europe to efficiently address the scholarly communication needs of European researchers in the field of SSH.