KBR’s digital collections
Discover digitised newspapers and periodicals, but also born-digital publications and e-resources.
Continue reading "KBR’s digital collections"Discover digitised newspapers and periodicals, but also born-digital publications and e-resources.
Continue reading "KBR’s digital collections"KBR’s collection of newspapers is by far the largest in Belgium.
Continue reading "Newspapers"KBR’s graphic collection contains more than one million prints and drawings.
Continue reading "Prints and drawings"The publications printed after 1830, a total of 5 million documents.
Continue reading "Contemporary Printed Books"The musical heritage of KBR is almost entirely kept in the Music Department.
Continue reading "Music"KBR keeps more than 200.000 coins, medals and other numismatic objects.
Continue reading "Coins and Medals"KBR keeps more than 9,000 ancient and modern engraved plates.
Continue reading "Chalcography"Cartographical documents from the 16th century to the present day.
Continue reading "Maps and Plans"KBR has an extensive collection of paper and electronic sources related to American Studies.
Continue reading "American Studies"KBR keeps approximately 35,000 manuscripts, including 4,500 medieval codices. The collection also include 300,000 old books dating from before 1830, incunabula and contemporary, bibliophile and precious editions.
Continue reading "Manuscripts and Rare books"The Belgian Bibliography is a record of all periodical and non-periodical publications (monographs, journals, brochures, off-line electronic documents, etc.) sent to KBR through legal deposit.
Continue reading "Belgian Bibliography"