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Digital Heritage Seminar: Chris Tanasescu
Online evenementDigital Humanities Research 2020-2021
Part II. DH Scholars in BE
KBR nodigt u uit voor een nieuwe wetenschappelijke serie over digitaal cultureel erfgoed: het KBR-ULB-UGent Digital Heritage Seminar.
In het tweede deel van deze reeks, van mei tot juni, zullen we virtueel drie academische wetenschappers ontvangen die hun werk over cultureel erfgoedmateriaal, digitale onderzoeksmethoden en digital humanities presenteren.
De lezingen behandelen een breed scala aan onderwerpen, periodes en methoden. Ze worden via Zoom gehouden in het Engels, met vragen in het Frans, Nederlands of Engels. De doelgroep zijn wetenschappers, maar iedereen is van harte welkom.
Deze reeks wordt mee georganiseerd door KBR’s twee labs: Camille en het Digital Research Lab, in samenwerking met de ULB en de Universiteit Gent.
- Dinsdag 25 mei (15:00 – 16:30): Computationally Assembled Collections, Live Archiving, Hybridizing Corpora: Poetry as/of Data | Chris Tanasescu, Professor & Altissia Chair in Digital Cultures and Ethics, UCLouvain.
The talk will analyze the opportunities and challenges of data for/as computational approaches to poetry, with specific references to the #GraphPoem project. The latter deploys natural language processing and graph theory applications in representing, analyzing, and expanding poetry corpora as networks. But where do we find the data for the corpora, and how do we collect and assemble them?
In poetry the question becomes even more critical as we deal with both traditional/‘page based’ and digital (or electronic literature) forms and genres. Combining these genres and form(at)s begs for artificial intelligence-informed approaches that treat them specifically, at times on a poem-to-poem basis, while also establishing a foundation for making them cohere into intermedially assembled collections and computationally assembled anthologies.
In an alternative scenario, databases are put together collectively as part of interactive coding events such as the ones presented over the past few years as “institute performances” at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI). Participants contribute data and run coding scripts assembling, analyzing, and sampling them automatically and feeding them into live streamed archives with a community performing function. A third relevant data-intensive approach involves corpora that are hybridized by, or submerged into, other corpora both enriching and subverting the ‘original.’ The resulting consolidated data is fed to algorithms that comb the processed neighborhoods of words, lines of verse, stanzas, passages or entire works for probabilistically close replacements and thus output conglomerates of alternative readings and reconfigurations.
The conclusion will consider poetry in digital space and media as a possible experimental gateway to tackling the present-day more general challenges related to cataloging, managing, analyzing, and expanding multi and inter-medial data within an analytical-creative framework.
Duur: 1,5 uur
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