Do you want to use an image from our collections in a book, documentary, film, on a poster or online, or in an exhibition? All reproductions are subject to copyright so you need permission beforehand.
How to obtain publishing rights?
1. Order the reproduction
You need to be in possession of the reproduction(s) before you can obtain the publishing rights.
Order a reproduction
2. Request the publishing rights
Option 1: The document can be found in the online catalogue
- Sign in to your MY KBR account in the online catalogue.
- Find the document in the catalogue. In the record, click ‘Copyright’. All bibliographic data will appear automatically.
- Specify the type of publication and click ‘Validate’. You will receive a confirmation email.
Option 2: The document is NOT in the online catalogue
- Use the general form for publishing rights.
- Fill in all the necessary information.
- Specify the type of publication and click ‘Validate’. You will receive a confirmation email.
In certain cases, you can obtain an exemption from the payment of copyright. State your reason for requesting an exemption clearly in the form.
Fees for publishing rights
- Less than 500 prints – cover: 75,00 EUR
- Less than 500 prints – corpus: 50,00 EUR
- More than 500 prints – cover: 100,00 EUR
- More than 500 prints – corpus: 75,00 EUR
Electronic version
E-book, internet, multimedia, animation, mobile app: 250,00 EUR
100,00 EUR
250,00 EUR
Poster, folder, post card
100,00 EUR
150,00 EUR
Quotation available on request
Please read the reproduction and copyright regulations carefully.
- Invoicing: +32 (0)2 519 55 66
- Photography service: +32 (0)2 519 55 67
Do you have a question regarding a collection item? Please contact the department that has the document.