Towards a Federal Open Science Cloud
Scope of the FedOSC project
The project Federal Open Science Cloud has for purpose to define best practices for the adoption of Open Science at a federal level, to develop (within the Belnet infrastructure) the platforms and tools needed to implement Open Science, to develop a technical solution for integrating data from scientific institutions into the EOSC infrastructure (What is EOSC?) and help federal institutions to adopt strategic approaches of Open Science and data management. To do so, an inventory of existing data will highlight the current state of data and Open Science practices within the participating institutions and enable to implement tailor-made solutions and streamline data management processes, while consolidating current collaborations.
Objectives of FedOSC
The objectives of FedOSC are the following:
- Support the definition of Open Science related policies
- Develop clear policies
- Promote Open Sciences best practices
- Develop the necessary Open Science platforms on a federal level
- Evolve DMP Online
- Upgrade Orfeo
- Develop a technical solution to integrate EOSC on a federal level
- Establish a RDM metadata/service catalogue
- Implement a PID infrastructure
- Help federal institutions to adopt a strategy over data management and open science
- Create an inventory of existing research data
- Give insights about current maturity of research data activities and recommendations for improvement
- Provide tools and infrastructure
- Organize Open Science training for researchers
Phases and duration of the project
FedOSC project was launched in April 2024. Since the beginning of the project, a study phase has already been completed and approved. The project moves officially to the execution phase on November 1st, 2024. This phase will last two years.
FedOSC is a project lead by Belnet with the support of BELSPO and every Federal Scientific Institution. FedOSC is part of the wider context of international cooperation by promoting Open Science and FAIR practices, especially in line with the objectives of the following partners, associations or institutions (amongst others):
- European Research Area (ERA)
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
- Research Data Alliance (RDA)
- Aerosol, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS)
- Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA)
- Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)
- Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DISSCO)
- European Marine Biological Resource Center (EMBRC)
- European Plate Observation System (EPOS)
- European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Sciences (E-RIHS)
- Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
- …
About FedOSC
For more information about FedOSC, please consult: or contact Marie-Sophie Bercegeay – znevr-fbcuvr.oreprtrnl@xoe.or