L’Année Philologique
Bibliographical database concerning all aspects of Greek-Roman Antiquity. References are augmented with summaries.
Log inArt Sales Catalogues Online
Online catalogues of art sales between 1600 and 1900, supplemented by The Lugt’s Repertoire.
Log inBibliothecae codicum medii aevi * – Soon unavailable
Database of medieval libraries and manuscripts in Europe, based on the extended and completed publication from Sigrid Krämer : “Handschriftenerbe’s Sigrid Krämer“. The access codes for this resources are available at the desk.
Log inBiblissima
Reference portal for the Western written heritage of the Middle Age and the Renaissance. The Sanderus electonicus project led by KBR is a port of the Biblissima partnerships.
Log inCairn.info
French database that specialises in humanities and social sciences. It gives access to journals, books, pocket encyclopaedia and full text magazines.
Log inCDU Online *
See UDC Online.
Electronic Enlightenment – Soon unavailable
A Bodleian Library project, it provides access to over 69,000 letters from correspondents around the world between 1600 and 1850. It includes private conversations of great personalities such as Voltaire, Louis XVI, Jane Austen, Erasmus and Françoise de Graffigny, as well as biographical notes and academic annotations.
Database that provides access to journals and e-books in full text in the domains of arts and sciences. Since April 2024, JSTOR has also provided access to the full content of ARTSTOR, including photos and works of art from museums.
Log in to JSTOR (documents) Log in to JSTOR (images), formerly ARTSTORKnowledge Unlatched
Collaboration between libraries and publishers to ensure open access to scientific literature. This database covers the following disciplines: anthropology, history, literature, media and communication, politics, …
Log inLibrary Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text (LISTA)
Bibliographic data for information professionals and libraries. It contains 440 references on library science, media and communications, information science and technology.
Log inMLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography with Full Text
Annual bibliography of books and articles from around the world on languages, modern literature, linguistics, folklore, etc.
Log in to MLA with Full Text Log in to MLA Directory of PeriodicalsMosa
Database harvesting institutional repositories to centralize the Open Access scientific production of Belgium and Luxembourg.
Log inOpenBook Publishers
OpenBook Publishers is an academic Open Access publisher. Thanks to KBR’s partnership, you have access to all the e-books available on the platform, both in streaming, in ePub and PDF.
Log inOpenEdition Journals
One of the four OpenEdition platforms (OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Calenda, Hypothèses). It offers more than 500 journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences. (Previously Revues.org.).
Log inThe Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor, and Economic History
More than 1000 encyclopedic articles on American wars through various themes: history, literature, arts…
Log inProQuest Research Library
Database that contains millions of full-access articles from scientific, literary, historical, artistic, … journals.
Log inRépertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) with Full Text
Comprehensive index of articles, books, bibliographies, catalogues, (master’s) theses, films, drawings, comments and reviews on music.
Log inScriptores possessoresque codicum medii aevi * – Soon unavailable
Database of medieval manuscript’s scribes and owners, based on the extended and completed publications “Scriptores codicum medii aevi” and “Possessores codicum medii aevi” from Sigrid Krämer. The access codes for this resource are available at the desk.
Log inUDC Online *
Library Database for the use of the Universal Decimal Classification. KBR grant access to the French and the Nederlands version of the UDC Online. The access codes for this resources are available at the desk.
Log in to the French version Log in to the Nederlands version* Resources marked with an asterisk (*) can only be consulted on site at KBR for legal reasons.