Scholarly works and bibliographies in the field of American Studies published by the Center for American Studies. They can be consulted in the General Reading Room.
- F. Balace. Recrutements en Belgique pour les troupes fédérales, 1864-1865. 1970. 71 p. 5€
- G. Buelens. Henry James : Style, Ethics and History : a Bibliographical Essay. 1996. 75 p. 10€
- W. L. Chew III. A Bostonian Merchant Witnesses the Second French Revolution. 1992. 50 p. 7.50€
- G. Debusscher. Edward Albee : Tradition and Renewal. 1967. 94p. 6.20€
- G. Kurgan. Belgian Immigration to the United States and Other Overseas Countries at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.
- E. Spelkens. Antwerp as a Port of Emigration 1843-1913. 1976. 139 p. 10€
- F. Leblicq-De Champ. Guide des sources de l’histoire des Etats-Unis et des relations belgo-américaines conservées en Belgique. 1976. 180 p. (Published by the Commission for Educational Exchange between Belgium, Luxembourg, and the United States of America and distributed by the Center for American Studies) 12.40€
- F. Lercangée. Saul Bellow : a Bibliography of Secondary Sources. 1977. 125 p. 7.50€
- F. Lercangée. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. : a Selected Bibliography. 1976. 20 p. 3.70€
- M.E. Nilles. Dann singen wir : Viktoria ! Luxemburger Immigration to America. 1979. 49 p. 5€
- D.C. Skemer. American History in Belgium and Luxembourg : a Bibliography. 1975. 116 p. 7.50€
- L. Van Depoele. Belgian-American Relations Concerning the Origin of the North Atlantic Treaty, 1948-1949. 1976. 78 p. 7.50€
- Union Catalog of American Studies Periodicals in Belgian Libraries / compiled and edited by F. Lercangée and M. Lodeweyckx. 1991. 423 p. 38.50€