Bruegel is a world-renowned painter, but in the 16th century it wasn’t his paintings he was known for – it was his graphic work which brought him widespread fame. As a pioneer in the rediscovery of Bruegel’s lesser-known masterpieces, KBR will exhibit its complete collection of prints during this special Bruegel year, at ‘The World of Bruegel in Black and White’.
You will take the visitors on an in-depth journey to discover the World of Bruegel in Black and White. Either before our doors open to the public (Meet the Master) or once the doors close to the public (VIP-tours).
As our expert guide you will immerse groups into the World of Bruegel in Black and White, from 15 October 2019 until 16 February 2020, as a freelancer.
You can find the full offer on our web page in French or in Dutch.
Send us your CV and cover letter before 20 May 2019 via e-mail: rqhp@xoe.or (Wouter Stevens).