Survey on our services

From 1 April until 31 May 2019 the LibQUAL+ survey was held in KBR in order to improve its library services.


What is LibQUAL+?

LibQUAL+ is a survey that helps libraries assess and improve library services. It gives you a chance to tell us where our services need improvement so we can respond to and better manage your expectations.

The protocol is a rigorously tested web survey, developed by the Association of Research Libraries. Since 2000, more than 1,350 libraries in 35 countries have participated in LibQUAL+.


Why this survey?

The survey results will be used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of KBR and to develop a service improvement strategy.


What about my personal data?

The data is collected anonymously. The survey data are reported only in aggregate form. The data will be processed by the ARL in the United States and your privacy is protected by the LibQUAL+ protocol.


Win win win

Complete the survey and you’ll have a chance to win two of 10 tickets for the exhibition The World of Bruegel in Black and White, or a print made by our Chalcography (value €50).

Include your email address in the last questions of the survey so we can let you know if you’re a winner.  We will contact the winners as soon as the survey is finished (end of May). Your email address will remain strictly confidential and will not be linked to the survey data.