Introducing a new electronic resource: Histoire des Idées et Critique Littéraire

The “Histoire des Idées et Critique Littéraire” database is now available at KBR. It features more than 112 full-text titles related to the history of ideas and literary criticism from a historical perspective.

What does this resource have to offer?

You will find over 50,000 pages digitalised identically to their paper editions, making them easy to cite.

This tool will allow you to easily go through literary and historical texts from the contemporary period (19th century to the present day) on a variety of themes and by major authors:

  • Books by particularly influential critics:
    • Jacques Berchtold (Les prisons du roman)
    • Jérôme Meizoz (L’âge du roman parlant)
    • Stéphanie Genand (La chambre noire: Germaine de Staël et la pensée du négatif)
    • Philippe Hamon (Rencontres sur tables et choses qui traînent. De la nature morte en littérature)
  • Studies on translations:
    • Julien Zanetta (Niveurmôrre)
  • Studies on numerous authors: Musset, Chateaubriand, Nerval, Lamartine, Dumas senior, Baudelaire, the Goncourt brothers, Zola, Mallarmé, Proust, Victor Segalen, Romain Rolland, Beckett, Montherlant, Queneau, Romain Gary, Perec, Marguerite Duras, Marguerite Yourcenar, Henri Bauchau, François Cheng, etc.

But also :

  • Studies on the female entertainer at the end of the 19th century
  • Studies on the Salpêtrière ‘novels’ about Charcot
  • Studies on the history of Ultima Thule
  • Studies on the territories of the Golden Age
  • Studies on literary annotation
  • Studies on the beauty of hatred
  • Studies on the relationship between medicine and literature
  • Studies on New York as a French literary myth
  • Studies on Europe in literature

Online access

Consult “Histoire des Idées et Critique Littéraire” online with your MyKBR account. You will need a valid reader’s card or a free subscription to the e-resources.

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Picture © Librairie Droz