Databases A to Z

This is the alphabetical list of external databases that KBR gives you access to.

For an overview of databases by subject, check the page Databases by subject.

To access the databases remotely, please log in to your MyKBR account. You need an e-resources subscription or a valid reader’s card for this. Resources marked with an asterisk (*) can only be consulted on site at KBR for legal reasons.


Acta Sanctorum

Database that contains a collection of documents (including an index) on the lives of Catholic saints.

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African Newsstream

Provides access to more than 100 African information sources, such as The International Herald Tribune, Africa News Services, BBC Monitoring Africa, etc.

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America History and Life with Full Text

Provides access to books and journals on history and culture of the United States of America and Canada.

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Ancestry Library Edition

Genealogical database containing billions of civil statistics, census and military records from Canada, the USA and some European countries.

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L’Année Philologique

Bibliographical database concerning all aspects of Greek-Roman Antiquity. References are augmented with summaries.

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Art Sales Catalogues Online

Online catalogues of art sales between 1600 and 1900, supplemented by The Lugt’s Repertoire.

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ARTSTOR – now only available via JSTOR

Image database featuring images from some of the world’s leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists in an easily-navigated repository. This resource is now only available via JSTOR.

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Asian Newsstream

Provides access to more than 60 national and regional Asian information sources such as The Wall Street Journal Asia, China News and The Bangkok Post.

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Australia & New Zealand Newsstream

Provides access to the leading Australian and New Zealand newspapers such as The Age, The Dominion Post, The Australian and The Mercury.

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Bibliographie de Civilisation médiévale

Multilingual bibliographic database from the famous Cahiers de Civilisation médiévale (1958-2003). Originally dedicated to the High Middle Ages, today it also covers Late Antiquity and Late Middle Ages, with more than 64 000 references.

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Bibliothecae codicum medii aevi * – Soon unavailable

Database of medieval libraries and manuscripts in Europe, based on the extended and completed publication from Sigrid Krämer : “Handschriftenerbe’s Sigrid Krämer“. The access codes for this resources are available at the desk.

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Reference portal for the Western written heritage of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The Sanderus electronicus project led by KBR is part of the Biblissima partnerships. 

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Participatory bibliographic database on jazz and related music.

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Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages Online

Reference medievalist encyclopedia. It covers all aspects of medieval life : religion, economy, literature, living conditions, etc.

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French database that specialises in humanities and social sciences. It gives access to journals, books, pocket encyclopaedia and full text magazines.

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Canadian Newsstream

Gathers more than 360 contemporary Canadian newspapers and their archives since the 1970’s, including Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail.

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CBS News 60 Minutes

Provides access to the archives (1977-2014) of the American television programme 60 Minutes. The database contains video files and their transcripts.

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CDU Online *

See UDC Online.

Chicago Tribune

Investigative and famous American newspapers (24 Pulitzer prizes since 1932).

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Clavis Clavium

Bibliographic database in Open Access. Based on 4 claves (Clavis Patrum LatinorumBibliotheca Hagiographica LatinaClavus Patrum Graecorum, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca), it offers essential information for researchers specialising in Paleochristian, Medieval and Byzantine literature.

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CoinArchives Pro *

Lists worldwide auctions of coins and medals. The access codes for this resource are available at the desk.

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Database of Latin Dictionaries – Soon unavailable

Database giving access to 24 dictionaries from Antiquity to Modern times through Medieval times. It also includes thematic dictionaries.

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Early English Books Online

Provides access to digital versions of over 130 000 printed works in English speaking countries between 1473 and 1700. They cover many disciplines: art, history, literature, music, science, theology …

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Electre *

Contains bibliographic data of French books published or to be published, available or out of print.

Please request the access codes for this resource from a librarian in the reading room.

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Electronic Enlightenment – Soon unavailable

A Bodleian Library project, it provides access to over 69,000 letters from correspondents around the world between 1600 and 1850. It includes private conversations of great personalities such as Voltaire, Louis XVI, Jane Austen, Erasmus and Françoise de Graffigny, as well as biographical notes and academic annotations.

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Encyclopaedia Britannica

English-speaking encyclopaedia of reference. Gathers generalist articles, atlases, primary sources, definitions of the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and English-speaking periodicals in the field oh humanities and social sciences.

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Encyclopaedia Universalis

French-speaking encyclopaedia of reference. Gathers more than 320 000 generalist articles, 125 000 definitions, 30 000 audio-visual media and an international atlas.

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Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619-1895

Gathers articles about African-American history, from the colonial period to the age of Frederick Douglass.

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Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present

Gathers articles about African-American history, from the Reconstruction Era to today (2008).

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Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 4th edition

Contains more than 30 000 articles on all aspects of popular music from 1900 to today.

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Europa Sacra

Database of Church prelates in the Middle Ages.

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European Newsstream

Provides access to more than 450 European information sources such as the Baltic News Services, Les Echos, Le Monde, The Guardian, etc.

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Frantext – Soon unavailable

Database representing the use of written French from the Middle Ages to the present day. Lexical and grammatical searches are conducted in a corpus of more than 5,000 references, including texts of classical literature as well as cookery and geography manuals, linguistic treatises or contemporary novels.

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Global Breaking Newswires

News database providing access to newswires from around the world, including the AFP, AP, Dow Jones Industrial News, Canadian Press, etc.

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Global Newsstream

Provides access to the most important international and contemporary newspapers and their archives since the eighties, such as The Financial Times, El Mundo, South China Morning Post, etc.

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Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Online dictionary of English slang words.

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The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd edition

Online dictionary on music in all its forms.

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The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art

Encyclopedic articles on American art.

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The Guardian and The Observer

The archives of these two historical newspapers, available from 1791 to 2003, provide unmatched coverage of the arts, politics, public affairs and sports. These two British newspapers and famous defenders of press freedom offer a unique perspective on historical events.

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The Hartford Courant

The archives of this historical newspaper, available from 1764 to 1996, gives access to documentation of the movement for independence, the Revolutionary War, slavery in early American life and the writings of Mark Twain.

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Histoire des Idées et Critique Littéraire

This portal offers documents on the history of ideas and literary criticism; focusing on the contemporary period, from the 19th century to the present. You will find studies on great French-speaking writers (from Musset to Bauchau), but also on literary myths, Europe in literature or women in entertainment.

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Historical Abstracts with Full Text

Collection of articles, reports and bibliographies of books on history, culture, social sciences, arts and military sciences.

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Historical Newspapers 

Database providing access to the full text of the archives of several Anglo-Saxon newspapers of international audience such as The Guardian en The Observer, The Hartford Courant, The New York Times with Index, The New York Tribune and Herald Tribune, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.

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In Principio

One million Latin ‘incipits’ about history, literature, philosophy and religion.

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Index to Printed Music – Soon unavailable

Bibliographic database on music.

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International African Bibliography Online

International and interdisciplinary bibliographic database on African studies with more than 140 000 references.

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International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance – Soon unavailable

International reference bibliography of academic publications on the Renaissance and the Modern period. It completes the International Medieval Bibliography and the Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale.

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International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages

Supplement of the Lexikon des Mittelalters Online, this encyclopaedia covers the medieval period (300-1500) of Europe, North Africa and the Middle-East.

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International Medieval Bibliography

Multidisciplinary bibliographic reference database for studies on the Middle Ages in Europe.

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International Newsstream

Provides recent international news outside the USA, with archives. The database contains the full text from over 660 world newspapers such as The Times, The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Jerusalem Post, etc.

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Internet Archive

Digital Library dedicated to archiving the web. It contains more than 735 billion web pages, 41 million books, 22 million multimedia documents (audio and video), 4 million images and 890.000 software programmes from all over the world. Internet Archive includes:

To access all these document on the Internet Archive, it is necessary to create a free user account.

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Database that provides access to journals and e-books in full text in the domains of arts and sciences. Since April 2024, JSTOR has also provided access to the full content of ARTSTOR, including photos and works of art from museums.

Log in to JSTOR (documents) Log in to JSTOR (images), formerly ARTSTOR


Knowledge Unlatched

Collaboration between libraries and publishers to ensure open access to scientific literature. This database covers the following disciplines: anthropology, history, literature, media and communication, politics, …

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Latin American Newsstream

Provides access to nearly 90 Latin American information sources, such as El Universal, O Globo, La Nación, El Mercurio, etc.

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Lexikon des Mittelalters Online

Database that provides access to articles, books, bibliographies and indexes concerning the Middle Ages (culture, history, literature, philosophy, politics, religion, science …).

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Library of Latin Texts Complete Online

Database offering more than 5 000 Latin texts on literature and social sciences. It includes the A Series and the B Series.

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Library Information & Science Technology Abstracts with Full Text (LISTA)

Bibliographic data for information professionals and libraries. It contains 440 references on library science, media and communications, information science and technology.

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Los Angeles Times

One of the largest American metropolitan newspapers that have won numerous journalism awards, including 37 Pulitzer prizes.

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The Making of the Modern World

Bibliographic data and digitised texts on economic themes in the broad sense: political science, history, sociology, finance, colonisation …

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Middle East Newsstream

Provides access to more than 130 information sources from the Arabic world, Southwest Asia and surrounding countries. The database contains the full text from several newspapers such as Gulf Daily News, Palestine Chronicles, Le Temps, Sudan Tribune, etc.

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MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography with Full Text

Annual bibliography of books and articles from around the world on languages, modern literature, linguistics, folklore, etc.

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Database harvesting institutional repositories to centralize the Open Access scientific production of Belgium and Luxembourg.

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The New York Times (with Index)

The renowned American newspaper gives access to its archives (1851-2018) and to early 20th century news. The newspaper publishes all important texts, including speeches and presidential press conferences. An index for politics, economics, art, culture, history, sports and public affaires is available.

Log in to the online archives (1851-2018) Log in to the online newspaper (1980-present)

The New York Tribune and Herald Tribune

The archives of these annexes to The New York Times, available from 1841 to 1962, cover major events at the turn of the 20th century. Texts by Theodore Roosevelt, Margaret Fuller, Karl Marx and Frederic Engels are also included.

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OECD iLibrary

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s virtual library, which gives access to books, journals and statistics on economy, development, education, finance, etc.

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OpenBook Publishers

OpenBook Publishers is an academic Open Access publisher. Thanks to KBR’s partnership, you have access to all the e-books available on the platform, both in streaming, in ePub and PDF.

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OpenEdition Books

One of the four OpenEdition platforms (OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Calenda, Hypothèses). It offers more than 12.000 electronic books in the field of humanities and social sciences.

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OpenEdition Journals

One of the four OpenEdition platforms (OpenEdition Books, OpenEdition Journals, Calenda, Hypothèses). It offers more than 500 journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences. (Previously

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The Oxford Companion to American Law

Encyclopedic articles on American law.

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The Oxford Companion to American Military History

More than 1000 encyclopedic articles on American wars through various themes: history, literature, arts…

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The Oxford Companion to American Politics

Encyclopedic articles on all aspects of American political life.

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The Oxford Companion to the American Musical

Encyclopedic articles on the American theater scene.

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The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States, 2nd edition

Encyclopedic articles on legal decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States.

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The Oxford Companion to the United States History

More than 1500 encyclopedic articles on American history, politics, culture, arts, sciences, …

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor, and Economic History

Encyclopedic articles on American economic history.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Culture and Intellectual History

Encyclopedic articles on American values, aspirations, anxieties, and beliefs.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History

Encyclopedic articles on key points of American military history.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History

Encyclopedic articles on American legal and political history.

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Social History

Encyclopedic articles regarding American social history.

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The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military

Online dictionary of military terms, weapons, vehicles, medals, famous people and battles of the American army.

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The Oxford Guide to the United States Government

Contains all biographies of American political figures.

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Oxford Music Online

Gateway offering access to dictionaries and encyclopaedias on music.

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Oxford Scholarship Online – Philosophy – Soon unavailable

The Philosophy collection of the Oxford Scholarship Online platform provides access to over a thousand philosophy titles from 1963 to the present.

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Patrologia Latina

Contains original texts on Christianity, including prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes.

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Periodicals Archive Online 

Journals and full text articles on humanities and social sciences.

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Periodicals Index Online

Contains more than 20 million full text articles on humanities and social sciences.

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ProQuest Research Library

Database that contains millions of full-access articles from scientific, literary, historical, artistic, …  journals.

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Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) with Full Text

Comprehensive index of articles, books, bibliographies, catalogues, (master’s) theses, films, drawings, comments and reviews on music.

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Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (RIPM)

Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text is an international database containing detailed analysis of musical history and culture from 1800 and 1950. It is completed by the RIPM Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals, which contains about 100 rare full-text music journals from around the world.

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RIPM Jazz Periodicals with Full Text

Unique collection of 105 periodicals on jazz and its history.

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Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM)

Bibliographies of musical sources (manuscripts and printed works, writings on music, books …) in the world. There is a version dedicated to English sources.

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Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

The archives of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) provide primary sources (maps, atlases, expedition reports, …) from 1485 to 1983 on geography (human, historical and cultural), colonial and decolonization studies and the environment.

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Scriptores possessoresque codicum medii aevi * – Soon unavailable

Database of medieval manuscript’s scribes and owners, based on the extended and completed publications “Scriptores codicum medii aevi” and “Possessores codicum medii aevi” from Sigrid Krämer. The access codes for this resource are available at the desk.

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Digital library of Greek texts from Antiquity to the Modern Period.

Access is strictly reserved to KBR Staff Members.

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UDC Online *

Library Database for the use of the Universal Decimal Classification. KBR grant access to the French and the Nederlands version of the UDC Online. The access codes for this resources are available at the desk.

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UN iLibrary

The United Nations’ virtual library. It give access to books and articles on democracy, economy, environment, human rights, health, etc.

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US Major Dailies

Gathers the five most respected American national and regional newspapers and their archives : Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post.

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US Newsstream

Gathers recent American news with archives from the 1980’s. The database contains the full text from more than 590 newspapers such as The New York Times, Los Angeles, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, etc. US Newsstream includes the following collections:

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Van Dale

Dutch Reference Dictionary. KBR gives access to the explanatory dictionary (or Dikke Van Dale) and to a translation tool (Van Dale Online), in English, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish. The resource also contains the Oxford Dictionary of English and its thesaurus.

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The Wall Street Journal

American newspaper considered as the leading publication for economic news and information on global financial markets. The archives (1889-2004) cover international and American business, financial news and in-depth financial analyses on the world’s stock market.

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The Washington Post

American journal well known for in-depth news and analyses of American politics. The archives (1877-2005) provide political and governmental news. This newspaper won Pulitzer prizes for its articles on the Watergate scandal (1972-1974).

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