KBR subscribes to many online academic and scientific journals. KBR provides you with access to more than 5.500 online periodicals (or e-journals) specialising in the fields of humanities and social sciences on various platforms (non-exhaustive list):
- Akademiai Kiado
- Amsterdam University Press
- Brepols Online
- Brill Online
- Cairn.info
- Cambridge Core
- De Gruyter
- Duke University Press
- Edinburgh University Press
- Emerald Insights
- Ingenta Connect
- John Benjamins e-Platform
- Liverpool University Press
- MIT Press Journals
- OECD iLibrary
- OpenEdition Journals
- Oxford Academic
- Peeters Online Journals *
- Project Muse
- Sage Journals
- Science Direct
- Springer Link
- Taylor & Francis Online
- UN ilibrary
- University of Chicago Press
- V & R eLibrary
- Wiley Online Library
The electronic resources are now accessible remotely if you have an e-resources subscription. If you have a valid reader’s card, remote access to the e-resources is included. Simply log in to your MyKBR account for access.
* Resources marked with an asterisk (*) can only be consulted on site at KBR for legal reasons.
Some e-journals require an access code, to be requested from the librarians in the general reading room.
Browse the e-journal collection