James Ensor, leven en werk

ENSOR, James (1860-1949), in de Encyclopaedia Universalis (Francine-Claire LEGRAND)
Ensor et l’Académie, in Bulletins de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, 1990 (Philippe ROBERTS-JONES)
Œuvres de James Ensor, in ARTSTOR
James Ensor’s Christ’s Entry into Brussels in 1889: Technical Analysis, Restoration, and Reinterpretation, in Conservation and Art History, vol. 54, 1995 (Mark LEONARD, Louise LIPPINCOTT)
James Ensor, avant-gardeschilder
BELGE Jeune peinture, in de Encyclopaedia Universalis (Robert L. DELEVOY)
Portfolio, in Grand Street, vol. 73, 2004 (James ENSOR, Susan M. CUNNING)
De avant-gardist als entrepreneur. Roem, geschiedenis en fictie van de Belgische avant-garde, in Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, vol. 83, 2005 (An PAENHUYSEN)

James Ensor en de kunsten

James Ensor et ses musiques, in Bulletins de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, 1999 (Robert WANGERMEE)
James Ensor and Symbolist Literature, in Art Journal, vol. 45, 1985 (Diane LESKO)
James Ensor, Printmaker, in Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago, vol. 70, 1976 (Anselmo CARINI)
Ensor’s flandricisms and the cultural politics of Belgian identity, in Oud-Holland, Journal for Art of the Low Countries, vol. 133, 2020 (Susan M. CANNING)
James Ensor, anarchist
Society Degree Zero : Christ, Communism, and the Madness of Crowds in the Art of James Ensor, in Representations, vol. 75, 2001 (Stefan JONSSON)
The Ordure of Anarchy; Scatological Signs of Self and Society in the Art of James Ensor, in Art Journal, vol. 52, 1993 (Susan M. CANNING)
Allegory and Anarchism in James Ensor’s “Apparition: Vision Preceding Futurism”, in Record of the Art Museum, vol. 46, 1987 (Stephen F. EISENMAN)

James Ensor, geïnspireerd door

Ensor in the popular imagination: Paul Haesaert’s film Masques et visages de James Ensor (1952), in Simiolus : Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, vol. 42, 2020 (Joséphine VANDEKERCKHOVE)
Edmond Picard et James Ensor : Une relation vue par le prisme de Psukè, in Textyles : Revue des lettres belges de langue française, vol. 50/51, 2017 (Astrid HERKENS)
Verhaeren et James Ensor, in Cahiers de l’AIEF, vol. 34, 1982 (Renée Riese HUBERT)
Ensor in KBR
Ensor, gezien door de Belgische pers op BelgicaPress
Werk van Ensor beschikbaar in KBR œuvres d’Ensor (gedigitaliseerd in hoge resolutie)
(Her-)ontdek de tentoonstelling James Ensor. Inspired by Brussels

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