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Linking The Past
Studiedag over Linked Data
Op vrijdag 22 november 2019 organiseert het ADOCHS-project een studiedag over linked data.
In de voormiddag worden nieuwe datamodellen voorgesteld en in de namiddag komen case studies aan bod over de publicatie van open data, meer bepaald i.v.m. de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
09:00 Reception
09:30 Introduction (Seth van Hooland, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Session 1: New Data Models
10:00 Records in Contexts (RiC) conceptual model and ontology (Florence Clavaud, Archives nationales of France and International Council on Archives )
10:30 The Matterhorn RDF Data Model (Tobias Wildi, Docuteam)
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Wikidata and Archival Metadata : opportunities and challenges for heritage institutions (Baptiste de Coulon, le lieu imaginaire)
12:00 The IIIF protocol: How to link images? (Jean-François Moufflet, National Archives of France)
12:30 Questions
13:00 Lunch break
Session 2: Linked Open Data – World War II Case Studies
14:00 WarSampo – Finnish WW2 on the Semantic Web (Eero Hyvonen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities – HELDIG and Aalto University, Department of Computer Science, Semantic Computing Research Group – SeCo)
14:30 From CegeSoma spreadsheets to Linked Data: a Wikibase journey (Anne Chardonnens, Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB )
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Describing the Persecution of the Jews in Italy: the OWL Domain “Shoah Ontology”
(Laura Brazzo, the Foundation Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center)
16:00 Debate
16:30 Conclusion. The new data models, a real opportunity? (Frédéric Lemmers, KBR)
17:00 End
- CegeSoma (Rijksarchief in België)
- Université libre de Bruxelles
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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