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Digital Heritage Seminar: Mike Kestemont & Wouter Haverals

Online evenement

15 juni 2021
14:00 - 15:30

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  • maandag 26 april – 13:30
  • dinsdag 25 mei – 15:00
  • dinsdag 15 juni – 15:00


Online evenement




Digital Humanities Research 2020-2021


Part II. DH Scholars in BE

KBR nodigt u uit voor een nieuwe wetenschappelijke serie over digitaal cultureel erfgoed: het KBR-ULB-UGent Digital Heritage Seminar.

In het tweede deel van deze reeks, van mei tot juni, zullen we virtueel drie academische wetenschappers ontvangen die hun werk over cultureel erfgoedmateriaal, digitale onderzoeksmethoden en digital humanities presenteren.

De lezingen behandelen een breed scala aan onderwerpen, periodes en methoden. Ze worden via Zoom gehouden in het Engels, met vragen in het Frans, Nederlands of Engels. De doelgroep zijn wetenschappers, maar iedereen is van harte welkom.

Deze reeks wordt mee georganiseerd door KBR’s twee labs: Camille en het Digital Research Lab, in samenwerking met de ULB en de Universiteit Gent.



Silent voices: A Digital Study of the Herne Charterhouse as a Textual Community (ca. 1350-1400)

Dinsdag 15 juni (15:00 – 16:30)

The Carthusian monastery of Herne has had a profound impact on the cultural history of the Low Countries, as a true hotspot in the production, negotiation and dissemination of vernacular literature for lay audiences, in a time where most written texts were still in Latin. In a short time span (ca. 1350-1400), the members of the community collectively copied a fantastic collection of 25+ Middle Dutch and Latin manuscripts, many of which contain unique texts.

The Herne monks, who took a monastic oath of silence, were unusually productive and modest scribes, as suggested by the remarkable lack of self-attributions in their material. It is somewhat anachronistic therefore that recent literary scholarship has almost exclusively focused on an elusive search for the identification of specific individuals in the monastery (such as the famous Bible translator of 1360). In this project, we propose to study the charterhouse as a tight textual community, driven by a shared goal.

To this end, we will focus on the scribal practice in the monastery, as a privileged gateway into the collaborations between the monks. Using stylochronometry we will study the evolution of the copying practice of the individual scribes and convergences therein. Because a significant share of these manuscripts are still inaccessible to the scholarly community, we will apply handwritten text recognition to produce diplomatic transcriptions that scholars can search, analyze and edit further.


Duur: 1,5 uur

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